What is a Shataf?
Shataf, an Arabic term denoting cleansing with water, holds pivotal significance in Muslim households, where adherents are obligated to purify themselves with water post-elimination. Bearing resemblance to an everyday object, it stands as an indispensable fixture in Muslim lavatories. Commonly known as Bodna or Lota, these vessels have conventionally served as water-carrying implements, facilitating personal hygiene rituals after toilet use.

Distinguishing them from teapots, these tools, whether termed Shataf, toilet shower, or bidet sprayer, seamlessly blend modern innovation with traditional practices, ensuring optimal cleanliness following natural calls. Their omnipresence in Muslim regions has led to their adoption in Western culture, often termed as "Muslim showers."
While the Western world champions the flush toilet invention, Islamic teachings emphasize the efficacy of water cleansing for superior bathroom experiences.
The advantages of utilizing a Shataf are manifold:
1: Enhanced Personal Hygiene: Recognizing the limitations of toilet paper alone, Shataf offers thorough cleansing, minimizing residue and potential irritation. The combination of paper and water ensures unparalleled cleanliness and peace of mind.
2: Economic and Environmental Benefits: Shataf's eco-friendly nature contributes to reducing carbon footprints. Contrasting the hefty environmental toll of toilet paper production, Shataf usage curtails tree consumption, water usage, and pollution associated with manufacturing and transportation.
3: Improved Skin Health and Comfort: Unlike abrasive toilet paper, Shataf's water cleansing is gentler on the skin, particularly soothing for individuals with sensitivities or specific conditions like hemorrhoids. Its use promotes comfort and minimizes discomfort associated with conventional methods.
In summary, embracing Shataf not only promotes personal hygiene but also aligns with eco-conscious practices, offering a sustainable, comfortable, and hygienic alternative to conventional toileting methods.
How to install a Shataf Aqua Spray
Below is a quick video on how to install a Shataf Aqua Spray - you can install this in less than 15mins